TAHUN 1444 H. / 2022 M
Prophet Muhammad SAW is the last prophet revealed by Allah SWT who will always be a role model for all Muslims. With the struggle of the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, mankind rose from the era of ignorance to the era of the bright light. Therefore, it is appropriate for us as his people to always remember the Prophet Muhammad and try our best to practice what he has taught. Because what has been said, done, and determined by him has become the basic source of all Islamic law after the Qur'an which is no longer in doubt. Because by always following what we have been taught, we will be recognized as his people on the Day of Judgment.
One way to show our love for the Great Prophet Muhammad is to always remember the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which is held every 12 Rabi'ul Awwal should be used as a medium to increase the love of Muslims to the Prophet Muhammad. So that finally created a generation that always follows the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and always tries to become a Muslim person who is like his reflection. And finally, may we all be made as people who get intercession from him.
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Thus the Proposal for the Prophet's Birthday We made. We hope that this activity can motivate and inspire all of us. Motivation for future generations to be better than now and always eager to explore Islamic knowledge. Inspiration for all Muslims in general and especially for the younger generation to always try to improve themselves and try to always follow the personal example of the Prophet Muhammad.
In the end, all matters are left to Allah alone and only to Him do I hope for help. Hopefully everything we do gets ease and success and with the hope that this activity is recorded with Allah as an act of worship that is always blessed by Him. Amen
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