Sebuah blog yang berisi tentang teks khutbah (khutbah Jum'at, Idul Fitri, Idul Adha) Bahasa Indonesia dan Sunda, Proposal (PHBI, PHBN, Umum, LPJ dan RAB) dan materi ceramah

Monday, August 29, 2022






Assalamu'alaikum warhmatullahi wabarakatuh..

Alhamdulillah, all praise and thanks be to Allah SWT, because with His blessings and guidance, we can again gather at the congregational sermon and Friday prayer assembly, September 2, 2022.

Not to forget, salawat and greetings are always poured out to our lord Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam, the last chosen human prophet created by Allah SWT.

Also accompanied by prayers for the family of the Messenger of Allah, his companions and followers who follow him until the end of time.

muslims, may Allah be pleased with you,

Soon we will enter the month of Safar Hijri calendar 1444 Hijri. In the tradition of ignorance, the month of safar is considered a month of bad luck or tasyaum.

At that time, the month of Safar was believed by ignorant people to have many evils, so this caused them to be afraid to do certain activities or things.

And until now, the notion that the month of Safar is an unlucky month is still developing today.

Whereas if we humans who believe must be sure that this month of Safar is the same as other months, which is not affected by bad luck or bad luck.

So, if in the month of traveling we get bad or unlucky events, of course not because of the month, but simply because of other factors, so if we get good things in it, it is all predetermined by Allah, not because of the moon factor.

Rasulullah SAW said:

“There is no 'adwa, thiyarah, hamah and shafar (which are considered to bring bad luck). And flee from people who have leprosy as you run away from a lion." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

Quoted from the NU Online page, the fear about the 4 things mentioned means that 'adwa is a belief about an infectious disease outbreak, where people are afraid by themselves, without any prior process and without Allah's permission.

Then thiyarah is about good and bad luck which is determined after seeing the bird.

This myth developed in ignorant society which states, if someone sees a bird flying on his right when he leaves the house, then it is likely that he will get good luck in the near future.

On the other hand, if what he sees is a bird flying on his left when he leaves the house, then bad luck will come for him, so it is better for him to go home than having to carry out activities that day.

While the term hamah is a kind of assumption when an owl perches on the house of the ignorant at that time, then this is a sign that bad luck will approach the owner of the house.

Likewise with shafar which is believed to be a special time that can wreak havoc.

Ladies and gentlemen of Friday congregation, may Allah bless you,

Islam does not recognize unlucky days or unlucky months, because all days are good. Muslims must believe that if there is a good influence or a bad influence, all will not be able to happen without the permission of Allah SWT.

Likewise with the month of Safar which is part of the twelve months of the Hijri year.

Safar is the second month in the Qamariyah calendar, located after Muharram and before the month of Rabiul Awwal.

If we want to receive benefits and gain privileges in this month, then we as God's creatures must remain obedient and do more daily practices as usual, including sunnah practices.

The following are the worships that we can do in the month of Safar which we also commonly do in other months:

1. Sunnah fasting Monday-Thursday and fasting Ayyamul Bidh

Sunnah fasting that can be done is fasting Monday-Thursday and fasting Ayyamul Bidh.

Carrying out fasting Monday-Thursday, has virtues and privileges, because this fast is done directly by the Prophet Muhammad.

Narrated by Abu Hurairah:

"That the Prophet Muhammad often fasted on Mondays and Thursdays. The deeds of humans are proposed to Allah every Monday and Thursday, so I am happy if my practice (on that day) and I fast on that day." (H.R. Ahmad).

From this hadith it can be concluded that on these two days, one's deeds will be proposed by angels to Allah. Therefore, the Prophet chose to fast on those important days

While Ayyamul Bidh fasting is a sunnah fasting that is recommended to be done every mid-month based on the hijri calendar, namely on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the lunar calendar.

Fasting Ayyamul Bidh every month will get the same reward as those who fast throughout the year.

Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "Fasting on three days of each month is like fasting throughout the year," (H.R. Bukhari).

2. Alms Jariyah

As quoted on the Ministry of Religion website, alms Jariyah is a practice that will continue to flow rewards to us even after we die.

In the Qur'an, the word alms is also referred to by other terms such as shidqah, shodaqoh which means it can be a gift or it can also be interpreted as qardhul hasan (good loan).

By giving charity, then Allah, the Most Rich, will return the loan and of course the return has a double value.

While jariyah has the meaning of flowing which means the reward flows and will not be interrupted. It is for this reason that alms Jariyah is called a charity that has uninterrupted rewards and rewards.

3. Increase Istighfar

Someone who is istighfar means he acknowledges the existence of slavery before Allah SWT.

There are many virtues that can be obtained when we always make istighfar every time, this is like the words of the Prophet Muhammad which means:

"Whoever reproduces Istighfar (beg forgiveness of Allah), Allah will surely make for every sadness a way out, and for every narrowness of space, and Allah will provide him with sustenance (halal) from an unexpected direction" (Narrated by Abu Dawud).

Another virtue of istighfar is that Allah will grant the prayers of his servants.


Ladies and gentlemen of the Friday congregation, may Allah be pleased with you,

Thus the Friday sermon this time, hopefully we can all take lessons from what is conveyed and always receive Allah's instructions to be on His way.





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