Congregation blessed by Allah
It is a necessity for all of us to increase takwallah. Its
embodiment is to measure the quality and quantity in carrying out orders and
staying away from His prohibitions. Thus, every week we should honestly
evaluate ourselves whether the piety is increasing or vice versa.
Therefore, in every sermon, the preacher always increases the
importance of increasing this takwallah. This of course has a very deep meaning
so that the congregation, especially the preacher, strives to be better.
Maasyiral Muslimin Rahimakumullah
The thing that must also be reminded in this month of Safar and
also the following month is to avoid committing violence in the name of Islam.
Because in some places there are many people who pretend to love Islam and this
country by committing acts of violence and violent and cruel behavior. In fact,
gentleness is a mirror of a believer whose heart is filled with love.
On the other hand, a person who behaves hard and has a rough heart
is a mirror of a bad heart, arrogant and full of hatred. Islam is a religion of
rahmatan lil 'alamin which teaches compassion, love and peace to all children
of the nation.
Gentleness is a commendable trait before Allah SWT and the Messenger
of Allah, even in front of all humans. Human nature that tends to love
tenderness is a form of affection. Therefore, Allah SWT reminded His Messenger
in Surah Ali-Imran verse 159:
Meaning: So it is because of the mercy of Allah that you are gentle
with them. If you are hard-hearted and harsh-hearted, they will certainly
distance themselves from those around you. Therefore forgive them, ask
forgiveness for them, and consult with them in this matter. Then when you have
made up your mind, then put your trust in Allah. Verily Allah loves those who
put their trust in Him.
Meek does not mean weakness, fickle without a direction, or weak
without power. On the contrary, gentleness contains a lot of great power. Water
is gentle but strong when needed, like a steam worker spraying water to wash
away vehicle debris. The water is also cool and purifying when used for
ablution. Water also brings calm but can wash away as the proverb says 'water
is calm but washes away'. In addition to water, the wind also has a gentle
nature but also brings tremendous power such as windmills that produce
electricity, fans blowing cool anyone. All of them display the nature of
gentleness that brings strength and benefit.
Then what is the nature of the tenderness of a person's heart? Of
course, it will produce more powerful power.
Meaning: Indeed, everything that is decorated with tenderness will
look beautiful. On the other hand, without gentleness everything will look
ugly. (HR Muslim).
With gentleness all affairs will be beautiful. The gentleness of an
artist's hand will produce a beautiful work of art. The gentleness of the
tongues of the preachers will move anyone's heart. The gentleness of a smiling
face emitting an aura is also beautiful to the eye. Tenderness expressed in deeds
will give birth to attention, love, affection, sincerity and sincerity.
No wonder, if Jalaluddin Rumi, a Sufi poet in his book 'Matsnawi
Ma'nawi', said the wise words: Love turns rudeness into gentleness, changes
people who are not opinionated into steadfast opinions, turns cowardice into
courage, turns suffering into happiness, and love brings change. change for day
and night.
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