Sebuah blog yang berisi tentang teks khutbah (khutbah Jum'at, Idul Fitri, Idul Adha) Bahasa Indonesia dan Sunda, Proposal (PHBI, PHBN, Umum, LPJ dan RAB) dan materi ceramah

Saturday, August 27, 2022




Friday prayer congregation hafidhakumullâh,

In the days of ignorance, the notion developed that the month of Safar was an unlucky month or known as tasyâ-um. The month that does not have any will is believed to contain evil so that there is a fear for them to do certain things. This kind of thinking is still pervasive today. Some people think that certain days bring luck, aka luck, while other days have the opposite.

In fact, like other months, the month of Safar is neutral from bad luck or bad luck provisions. If anything bad happens in it, then it is solely because of other factors, not because of the month of Safar itself.

From Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of Allah once said:

"There is no 'adwa, thiyarah, hamah, shafar, and stay away from people who have leprosy (leprosy) as you stay away from lions." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

'Adwa is the belief in the existence of a disease that is contagious by itself, without any prior process and without the permission of Allah. Thiyarah is a belief about good and bad luck after seeing a bird. In ignorant society there is a myth that says, if a person goes out of the house and sees a bird flying to his right, then a sign of good luck will come. Meanwhile, if you see a bird flying to your left, it will be a sign of bad luck, so you should go home.

Meanwhile, hamah is a kind of assumption that when an owl perches on a house, it is a sign of bad luck to the owner of the house. Not much different from shafar which is believed to be a special time that can wreak havoc.

 Friday prayer congregation hafidhakumullâh,

Islam does not recognize unlucky days, months or years. Like all existence in this universe, time is a creature of Allah. Time cannot stand alone. He is in the full power and control of his Lord. Every Muslim must believe that there is no good or bad influence without Allah's permission.

Likewise with the month of Safar. It is part of the twelve months of the Hijri year. Safar is the second month in the Qamariyah calendar, located after Muharram and before the month of Rabiul Awwal.

Ibn Kathir when interpreting Surah at-Taubah verse 36 which talks about the number of months in a year, explained that the name shafar was related to the activities of the previous Arab community. Shafar means empty. It was so named because in that month the people at that time came out in droves to vacate their territory, either to fight or to become travelers.

The Prophet himself rejected the negative perception of ignorant people about the month of Safar with a number of positive practices. Habib Abu Bakr al-'Adni in Mandhûmah Syarh al-Atsar fî Mâ Warada 'an Syahri Shafar explained that several important events experienced by the Prophet occurred in the month of Safar, including his marriage to Sayyidah Khadijah, the marriage of his daughter Sayyidah Fatimah to Ali bin Abi Talib. , until he began to emigrate from Mecca to Medina. That is, the Prophet refuted the beliefs of the ignorant people not only with arguments but also proof for himself. By carrying out sacred and important things in the month of Safar, the Prophet seemed to be giving the message that the month of Safar was no different from other months.


Humans are commanded to always carry out reasonable processes and stages. Islam is a religion that highly values ​​the function of common sense. Therefore, each job is highly recommended through a careful planning and maximum effort. The rest is prayer and total submission to Allah.

Unlucky or lucky is a continuation of these processes and stages, not on imaginary myths that make no sense. To be free from disease, humans are ordered to live clean and avoid people with infectious diseases. In order to survive bankruptcy, traders are advised to make careful and careful calculations. In order to pass the exam, students must take the study seriously. Etc. Rejecting the "unlucky month" and "lucky month" will lead us to become a natural person. Don't be lazy to try because you feel your days will be filled with luck. Nor is it gripped by anxiety because it is haunted by unlucky days. As servants, humans are encouraged to plan, strive, and pray; while the results are left to Allah. Thus, when reaping the rewards, we remain grateful; and when we experience failure, we do not necessarily despair.

Misfortune and misfortune can happen to us at any time, not necessarily in certain months. From here we are expected to always take care of ourselves, take preventive measures, including praying for protection from Allah every day.




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